Native File Manager
Use Spectra’s Native File Manager to selectively upload native files when needed. This process is exclusive to documents processed through Spectra using Relativity Server.
Good to know
For Matters created prior to November 17, 2020, see the Native Upload (without Toolbox) section.
Please contact the Spectra Solutions team if you would like to have the Toolbox deployed to an existing workspace.
Upload Natives for Multiple Documents
- From the Relativity document list, select the documents for which you’d like to load natives
- Select the Upload Native Files option from the Spectra Toolbox
Review the information in the dialog, then click Upload Natives to proceed
Upload Natives for One Document
- From within the document viewer, access the Spectra Toolbox from the bottom of the page
Select the Upload Natives Files option from the Spectra Toolbox
Review the information in the dialog, then click Upload Natives to proceed
Native Upload (without Toolbox)
Select the documents in your database for which you’d like to load natives
- Choose Edit to perform a mass edit
- Select the Native Upload layout from the dropdown menu in the dialog box in the upper right-hand corner
Check the boxes to the left and right of Upload Native
- Click Save to begin loading the natives into the respective database
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