Manually Promote to Brainspace


Select specific documents for inclusion in Brainspace to initiate ingestion into a new or existing Brainspace dataset for your matter.

NOTE: Brainspace is only available if contractually selected and used Relativity Server matters.


Client Admin

Discovery Manager

Tag documents in Relativity

To include documents in your Brainspace dataset, check the Send to Brainspace option in Relativity to YES

Turn on Brainspace Analytics Suite

For new matters, see Create a new Matter.

To change your Brainspace Analytics Suite setting for a matter, it must have been created after the April 6, 2020 release. You may also opt to enable or disable this option at the volume level for such matters. See Processing Data for more information.

  1. From the Matter Details page, select PROCESSING from MATTER SETTINGS

  2. Turn on the Brainspace Analytics Suite option, then click SAVE

Create a manual build

  1. Go to the Processing tab and click UPDATE BRAINSPACE

  2. Select Update Build

  3. Click PROMOTE to initiate the build

Brainspace Update status

The status of your build appears above the Processing grid.

Initial build requirement

The initial build could require up to 300 documents. If this is the case, your status will show 'Requires more data' until subsequent volumes are processed and the minimum requirement is met.

View last update

To see details of the last build, go to UPDATE BRAINSPACE, and select View last update

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