Create a New Matter


Create a new matter and select your data processing options


Client Admin

Create and name your matter

  1. On the Matters page, click NEW MATTER

  2. Enter a unique MATTER NAME up to 42 alphanumeric characters (including spaces and hyphens)

  3. Enter a DESCRIPTION (Optional) or skip to the next step.
  4. Choose the RELATIVITY SETUP
    • Relativity Server uses only the Relativity Server for this matter. You can access the Relativity Server workspace via the Relativity menu at the top of your Spectra workspace (or via Workspaces > Relativity when other matters are hosted on RelativityOne).
    • RelativityOne uses the RelativityOne Server for this matter. You can access your RelativityOne workspace via the RelativityOne at the top of the Spectra workspace (or via Workspaces > RelativityOne when matters are hosted on Relativity Server).

      NOTE: The RelativityOne option is only available in the United States and upon contractual agreement.

Processing and analytics options

Processing and analytics options differ when you choose Relativity Server or RelativityOne:

Relativity Server processing and analytics options

  1. Choose a DEDUPLICATION SCOPE for the matter. To change the deduplication scope at the volume level, see Volume Settings

    Across all Custodians Removes all duplicate families
    Within each Custodian Removes duplicate families within a custodian
    Do not Deduplicate Duplicate files are not removed
  2. Set the TIME ZONE
  3. Choose whether to DeNIST your files to filter out non-substantive files during processing

  4. Warning!

    The DeNIST option cannot be changed once the matter is created. Go to for more information.

  5. Choose whether to automatically load native files, along with extracted text and metadata, to Relativity for all records.

  6. Turn on your ANALYTICS OPTION (Optional) or skip to the next step. To turn your Analytics option ON or OFF at the volume level, see Volume Settings

  7. Click NEXT
  8. To set up the workspace for this matter, click CREATE
    To immediately assign existing users to this matter, choose CREATE & ASSIGN USERS

RelativityOne processing and analytics options

  1. Choose a DEDUPLICATION SCOPE for the matter. To change the deduplication scope at the volume level, see Volume Settings

  2. Set the TIME ZONE
  3. Choose whether to DeNIST your files to filter out non-substantive files during processing, then click NEXT


    The DeNIST option cannot be changed once the matter is created. Go to for more information.

  4. To set up the workspace for this matter, click CREATE

    To immediately assign existing users to this matter, choose CREATE & ASSIGN USERS

Across all Custodians Removes all duplicate families
Within each Custodian Removes duplicate families within a custodian
Do not Deduplicate Duplicate files are not removed

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