Setting up Imaging Automation


Choose a document set for Spectra to sweep for imaging on a particular Matter.

NOTE: This process is exclusive to document imaging using Relativity Server.


Client Admin

Discovery Manager

Once started, Spectra periodically sweeps the Relativity workspace for a Matter and images any eligible documents based on a saved search.

Imaging Settings

  1. Navigate to the Matter details page

  2. Select Imaging from MATTER SETTINGS.

  3. Select a Relativity SAVED SEARCH that returns eligible documents for imaging, then click NEXT.

  4. You can use either of the following template imaging searches (after making any necessary configuration) or create your own custom search.

  5. To use the default settings for all document types, click START or see Custom Imaging Options.


    Once you start Imaging automation for a Matter, you cannot change any of the settings. 

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