RDC Production Load Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough to load to Relativity standard concordance production data (Tiff/Text/Native/Metadata) via the Relativity Desktop Client (“RDC”). This walkthrough is intended for use where the data being loaded does not require any custom manipulation. Where there is custom manipulation required or if you run into any issues throughout the process, please contact the Spectra Support team at spectrasolutions@lighthouseglobal.com.
Step 1 – Review the data you intend to load
In order to load the production using this walkthrough you should check the production to confirm it contains the following folders:
*Please note that the organization of the folder structure which holds the production may not be organized as indicated below. As an example, sometimes there will be a “Data” folder that contains the DAT and OPT files. If so please move those files out of the “Data” folder so they are in the same folder as the “Images”, “Natives” (not required) and “Text” folder as pictured below.
Images folder
The Images (or similar name) folder should contain single-page tiff images or jpegs (associated to color images). You will know it contains single-page images if each item has a Bates number and the Bates numbers are consecutive (no gaps). The file type for each item should be .TIF or .JPG.
If your images folder contains PDFs or multipage tiff images, please reach out to the Spectra Solutions team.
Text Folder
The text folder should contain the text files associated with the data. There should be one text file for each document. The file type for each file should be Text Document (.TXT).
Natives Folder
The Natives folder will contain any native document provided with the data. Usually, native files will be provided where an Excel document is produced with a placeholder and the native Excel is provided rather than an imaged copy of the Excel.
Not every set of production data comes with native documents and not every “NATIVES” folder will contain a file however you can still proceed with the walkthrough if there is no native folder. I will point out below where to skip if no natives were provided.
Metadata and Loadfile
For data to be loaded using this walkthrough there will need to be two files included with the production data:
- DAT or CSV file: A DAT or CSV file will provide the metadata associated with the documents as well as a way to link the metadata, text and natives in Relativity.
- OPT: This file allows the linking of the images to the documents loaded using the DAT file.
Check the DAT/CSV file
- Open the DAT file
- Check date field
- Typically metadata date fields are either date or date and time. Review the DAT/CSV to determine and make a note of which are date fields and which are date time fields. This will be important later when you are mapping the metadata fields for loading to Relativity
- Identify the name of the fields that contain the native and text file paths. Make a note of the names of the fields which will be used to load the text and natives.
- Text path will typically look as follows:
.\VOL00001\TEXT\TEXT00001\SAMPLE_0000001.txt - Native path (if applicable) will typically look as follows:
- Text path will typically look as follows:
- Confirm any fields that may not exist in Relativity and create any new fields if necessary.
Step 2 – Loading the data to Relativity
- Log into the RDC
- Once logged in, select the database to which you want to load the data.
- To create a new folder to load your data into Relativity, hover over the top-level folder in the RDC, right-click and select “ New Folder…”, then type in the name of the folder. To use an existing folder, skip to #4.
- Right-click on the folder to which you want to load the data and select Import/Load File…
- Navigate to and select the DAT file for the data you are loading.
If a KWE load settings file has been provided go to File->Load KWE File and follow the prompts. Review settings in steps 6-11 are correct and proceed with Step 12. - Once you have selected the DAT file you should see a list of the metadata fields in the “File Column Headers”.
If the text under the “File Column Headers” looks garbled or includes characters that are not part of the headers try switching the “File Encoding”
Once you have selected the correct encoding the headers will look like the image below.
- Click on the "Field Map" tab
- Click the “Auto Map Fields” – This should marry up some if not all of the fields together.
As you can see below there are some fields that did not “Auto Map”. This can happen if the naming convention is different or if no corresponding field exists in Relativity. You will now match those remaining fields with their corresponding fields in the “Workspace Fields” column.
- Double click on the field in the “Load File Field” column (e.g. “CreatedDate”) and find its match in the “Workspace Fields” column. In the case of “CreatedDate” the corresponding field in Relativity is “DateCreated”. As such I will find the “DateCreated” field in the “Workspace Fields” column and double-click on it so it lines up with “CreatedDate” in the middle columns as in the image below. Do the same for the remaining fields in the Load File Field column.
- Leave the field that contains the native path in the “Load File Fields” list
- Map the field that contains the text path to “Extracted Text” in the Workspace fields column
***Important - You must map the beginning production number (in this case PRODBEG) with the REVIEWID field. As such the right-hand column should contain the field that contains the beginning production number and the left middle column should contain the REVIEWID field. - QC – To confirm each field is paired with its corresponding field, hover above one field in the left middle column and it will highlight its pair in the right middle column. Once you have confirmed each field has a corresponding match you can proceed.
- Double click on the field in the “Load File Field” column (e.g. “CreatedDate”) and find its match in the “Workspace Fields” column. In the case of “CreatedDate” the corresponding field in Relativity is “DateCreated”. As such I will find the “DateCreated” field in the “Workspace Fields” column and double-click on it so it lines up with “CreatedDate” in the middle columns as in the image below. Do the same for the remaining fields in the Load File Field column.
- Match your remaining metadata fields. If you have any questions about which fields belong with which please contact the Spectra Solutions team.
- Complete the bottom portion of the “Field Map” tab as follows and in the image below:
- Overwrite: Append Only
- Overlay Identifier: REVIEWID (cannot be changed)
- Multi-Select Field Overlay Behavior: Select… (cannot be changed)
- Folder Information Column: unchecked
- Native File Behavior: Click the check box next to “Load Native Files” and choose the field that contained the native file path in the pull-down menu, in this case, “FILE_PATH”.
Please note, if your data folder did not contain a “Natives” folder or something similar that contained native files you can leave the box unchecked. Extracted Text: Click the check box next to “Cell contains file location” and in the pull-down menu select “Extracted Text”. In the pull-down menu under “Encoding for undetectable files” choose “Unicode (UTF-8). *Note – if your DAT file includes the Extracted Text within, leave the Cell contains file location unchecked
- Save Import Settings
If it is possible you may get another production with the same DAT fields you might want to save the mapping you just completed. Go to File/Save Import Settings and save the KWE file to a location of your choosing. - Check to see if there are any errors by selecting Import/Preview Errors…
If there are errors please contact the Spectra Solutions team, otherwise continue - Select Import/Import File…
- Once the load completes, close the progress screen and go back to the RDC and select File/Refresh
- Right-click on the folder to which you loaded the data, right-click and select Import/Image File…
- To the right of “Select a file …” select the “…” and navigate to the OPT file associated with the data.
Complete the remaining sections as follows:
- Start line: 0
- Numbering: “Use load file page IDs
- Select Mode: Overlay Only
- Overlay Identifier: Overlay ONly
- Load Extracted Text: Leave unchecked
- Select Import/Check Errors
If there are errors please contact the Spectra Solutions team, otherwise continue - Select Import/Import File...
Mapping Fields
This is where you will be mapping the fields provided to you in the DAT file with their corresponding fields in Relativity.
Let the import run. If no errors, you can close the RDC.
Step 3 - Updating fields and the dtSearch index in Relativity
- Open the database in Relativity
- Navigate to the folder in which you loaded your documents.
Select all the documents in your folder using the drop-down on the bottom of your screen. On the Mass Operation menu select the arrow next to “Edit” and select “Replace”
In the pop-out window complete as follows:
- Field to Update: PRODBEG
- Action: Replace Entire Field
- Update With: Field:
- Field: REVIEWID – Fixed Length (255)
- Click “ Add Another Field” and complete as follows:
- Field to Update: REVBEGATTACH – Fixed Length (50)
- Action: Replace Entire Field
- Update With: Field:
- Field: PRODBEGATT – Fixed Length (255)
- Field to Update: REVBEGATTACH – Fixed Length (50)
- Click "Replace"
Update dtSearch
- On the left-hand side of your screen, find and click “Search Indexes”
- Select the “dtSearch” link from the loaded page:
- On the far right side of your screen, select the appropriate build type:
Build Index: Full select if this build if this is the first set of documents loaded to the workspace OR if you have updated the text of any of the already existing documents in the workspace. Build Index: Incremental select this build if documents are already loaded and indexed in the workspace and you are adding additional new records. - On the left-hand side of your screen, find and click “Search Indexes”
Once completed, your dtSearch will show that your documents have been indexed
Your production load is now complete! If you have any questions or need any assistance please contact the Spectra Support team at spectrasolutions@lighthouseglobal.com.