Brainspace Fields

The Relativity Brainspace fields include:

BD EMT DUPLICATE ID Identifies the Relativity REVIEWID that the email message and/or attachment is a duplicate of.
BD EMT EMAILACTION Identifies the specific action for each message within an email thread (Send, Forward, or Reply).
BD EMT FAMILYID The REVIEWID of the Parent Email Message within a document family within an email thread.
BD EMT INTELLIGENT SORT Field that allows you to sort email threads hierarchically so that the most inclusive messages for each branch within an email thread are sorted to the top along with any attachments to those Inclusive messages.
BD EMT ISDUPLICATE Identifies whether an email message is a duplicate within the email thread.
BD EMT ISMESSAGE Identifies which documents within an email thread are actual email messages.
BD EMT ISUNIQUE Identifies which messages within the email threads are the Inclusive messages.
BD EMT MESSAGECT The total number of messages within an email thread.
BD EMT THREADID Unique identifier assigned to a group of messages within a single email thread.
BD EMT THREADINDENT This field is used for displaying the Email Thread view in Relativity where messages are properly indented in the view based on the order in which the messages were created within the email thread.
BD EMT THREADPATH Contains a semi-colon delimited list of the REVIEWIDs for all the messages that are included within each Inclusive message.
BD EMT THREADSORT Field that allows you to sort email threads chronologically (order in which the messages were generated within each email thread).
BD EMT UNIQUEREASON Indicates why the message is Inclusive (Attach – means the message had an attachment that is not present in the previous message(s) or is different from the attachment in the previous message(s) within an email thread. Message – means the content of the message is not live within another email within the same email thread.)
NEARDUPSETID Near duplicate cluster ID. Every family of near-dups has a unique cluster ID, and this is the cluster id of the near dup set to which this document belongs. The set includes child exact duplicates. The field is blank if the document is not in a NearDup set.
ISNEARDUPPIVOT This is the center of the near-duplicate cluster; the document to which the near-duplicates in that cluster are compared. True for only the one document which is the centroid of the NearDup cluster. If an ExactDup set is the pivot only one document will be the pivot.
NEARDUPSIMILARITYSCORE This is a vector cosine that is a score of how close this document is to the pivot in its cluster. A measurement of how much this document is like the central document of this cluster. This is a means of displaying just how similar documents are to each other. A document compared to itself will have a value of 1.0, and exact duplicates will also have 1.0. Any difference will result in a score of less than 1.0.
EXACTDUPSETID This is a cluster ID for exact-duplicate families and this is cluster ID of the ExactDup set that this document belongs to. This field is blank if the document is not in an ExactDup set.
ISEXACTPIVOT This is the center document for exact-dup families; true for only one document in an ExactDup set.
RELATEDSETID ID of the first parent cluster that is normal (not an ExactDup or NearDup). Directly correlates to ClusterID when searching in BD5 Advanced Query Builder.

See the Brainspace Email Threads view in Relativity for all the information Brainspace syncs to Relativity.

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